Adobe CS6 Serialization Fun... Er, Hell
About a week or so ago, reports started spreading online that Adobe CS6 installations that were created with Adobe's AAMEE tool were asking for an account sign-in on launch. The error looks like this:
Clicking the button to "Sign in Later" has no positive effect and the software fails to launch. This means that, currently, CS6 is broken across our entire campus.There has been a fix that has been mentioned that involves unserializing and reserializing the product usinging APTEE, but posts by Greg Neagle and others seem to indicate that this only seems to work temporarily.
I've been reached out to by Adobe to test their "official" fix. Assuming I can shield myself from the phone calls and e-mails for the rest of the afternoon, I'll be working on testing it.
Update 5:00 PM
Installing PS 13.0.4 manually with AAM on a machine seems to fix the problem without reserializing. Installing 13.0.4 downloaded from with Munki does not. It most likely needs reserialized using APTEE. Will try this tomorrow, per Adobe's suggestion.
Update: 10:00 PM
On my way out from Graduate class tonight, I noticed our faculty found a way to add at least a small bit of humor to this issue:
Update 11:00 AM 1/18
Adobe's half baked fix of installing Photoshop 13.0.4 followed by reserialzing the suite seems to fix the problem. More details will hopefully be forthcoming from them.